Published: 2020-06-09
Thomas David DuBois 杜博思 POSITIONS HELD (post-PhD) Beijing Normal University - Professor of Humanities 北京师范大学文学院教授 2019- Fudan University Development Institute, Shanghai - Visiting Research Fellow, Research affiliate 复旦大学发展研究院特邀研究员 2018- Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Historical Anthropology - Senior Research Fellow 2016-2017 ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, School of Culture, History and Language - Deputy Director 2015-2017 - Senior Research Fellow 2012-2017 National University of Singapore, Department of History - Associate Professor (with tenure) 2007-2011 - Assistant Professor 2003-2007 Washington University, Saint Louis, Program in Religious Studies - Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow 2001-2002 EDUCATION University of California, Los Angeles, Department of History - Ph.D. History of modern China 2001 University of Chicago - M.A. Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences 1991 - B.A. (honors) East Asian Languages and Cultures 1991 PUBLICATIONS Books (single author) - Empire and the Meaning of Religion in Northeast Asia: Manchuria 1900–1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2017). 249 pp. - Currently in preparation for Chinese publication as杜博思.东北亚的帝国与宗教意涵:满洲(1900-1945)est. 2022 - Religion and the Making of Modern East Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2011). 244 pp. - Sacred Village: Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005). 275 pp. - Chinese translation: 杜博思. 神聖的村庄:華北鄉村的社會變遷與宗教生活 (Trans. Liu Ping) Beijing, Zhongguo yinshu guan, 2011. Thomas David DuBois CV, updated May, 2020 1 Books and Journal Issues (edited) - In progress: “China in Global Food History,” guest edited issue of Global Food History - Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide. 23 chapters. with Jan Kiely (Routledge, 2019) - “Animals without Borders” guest edited issue of Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies, Summer 2018. - Agricultural production and Rural transformation, Volume 1 of “Historical Studies of Contemporary China” with Huaiyin Li (Brill, 2016) - Asian Studies Review, Article symposium on NGO sector in China, December 2015 - “New Perspectives in Chinese Folklore Studies,” Asian Ethnology, guest edited Issue with Li Jing and Peng Mu, December 2015 - Casting Faiths: Imperialism and the Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) - Religious Studies and Marxist Approaches to Religions in China, trans. Chi Zhen, Volume 4 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill 2014). Edited English translation of Lü Daji and Gong Xuezeng eds. (原本:吕大吉, 龚学增編《當代中國研究精選叢書:宗教学教卷,马克思主义卷》. 民族出版社, 2008) - Folk Religions and Shamanism, trans. Chi Zhen and Thomas David DuBois (348 of 497 pp.) Volume 1 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill, 2011). Edited English translation of Ma Xisha and Meng Huiying, eds. (原本:马西沙編《當代中國研究精選叢書:民間宗教卷》. 民族出版社, 2008) Journal articles and Book chapters In progress - “Trends in China Food History: Commodity, Consumption and Cuisine” (state of the field introduction to Global Food History guest edited issue) - “State Sponsored Brand Nostalgia in China's Food Retail Market” (submitted to special issue of International Journal of Asian Studies, ed. Ryoko Nakano) - “Who ordered the beef? Government and local enterprise in China’s cattle industries, 1980-2000” (in progress, for 2020 book symposium) - “Fast food for thought: Finding Global History in a Beijing McDonald’s” pedagogical essay forthcoming in World History Connected. - “Confucianism in Trans-War and Cold War Asia,” Cao Xinyu and Thomas DuBois for Cambridge History of Confucianism, ed. Kiri Paramore (Cambridge University Press, under contract) 2020 - “Milk From the Butterfly Spring: State and Enterprise in the Yunnan Dairy Industry 从蝴蝶泉来的牛奶:滇西乳品产业的发展与政企互动,” Rural China 中国乡村研究 17, 1 (2020) - “Dairy,” “Cheese” and “Beef” (total 8,000 words) In Encyclopedia of Chinese Cuisines, Sydney Cheung, ed. (Berkshire Publishing, 2020) - “Religious violence in early modern East Asia” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume 3: AD 1500-AD 1800, ed. Robert Antony, Stuart Carroll, and Caroline Dodds Pennock. (Cambridge University Press, 2020) - “Religious violence in China since 1850” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume 4: AD 1800-AD 2000, ed. Louise Edwards, Nigel Penn, and Jay Winter. (Cambridge University Press, 2020) 2019 - “Borden and Nestlé in East Asia, 1870-1929: Branding and retail strategy in the condensed milk trade” Business History. - Walking a production chain: An interdisciplinary approach to method and meaning” in Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide. DuBois and Jan Kiely, eds. (Routledge, 2019) - Revised for Chinese publication as 杜博思:行走在生产链上《民间文化论坛》Liu Yiling, tr., (1) 2019, 33-40. - “China eats—Chinese Food Brands at the Hangzhou Innovation Forum” Alicia E and Thomas DuBois, Asia Pacific Journal - “Many roads from pasture to plate: A commodity chain approach to China’s beef trade, 1732-1931” Journal of Global History, 1 (2019): 22-43. - “China’s dairy century - making, drinking and dreaming of milk” in Rotem Kowner, Guy Bar-Oz, Michal Biran, Meir Shahar, Gideon Shelach, eds., Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical and Ethical Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) - “Conversations with Two (Possibly) Buddhist Folk Healers in China” in Pierce Salguero, ed. Buddhism & Medicine: An Anthology Vol 2: Modern and Contemporary Voices (Columbia University Press, 2019) - “Be a civilized citizen!” Corporate Social Responsibility and the new Chinese secular” Centre for Advanced Studies on "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities” Working paper #8. 2018 - “In the Center of It All: Thoughts from the Edges of Empire” in From Chinggis to Qing: Empire in Asia: A New Global History, ed. Jack Fairey and Brian P. Farrell (Bloomsbury, 2018) - “Religious freedom in East Asia: Historical norms and the limits of advocacy” Journal of Religious and Political Practice 1 (2018) 2017 - “Big meat: The rise and impact of mega-farming in China’s beef, sheep and dairy industries” Alisha Gao and Thomas DuBois, Asia Pacific Journal <> - “Идеология и контроль: Инструменты авторитаризма в Японской Маньчжурии” [Ideology and control: Instruments of authoritarianism in Japanese Manchuria]” (Tr. L.A. Katz), Bereginya 2 (28) special issue on global fascism, ed. Alexander Bogdashkin, (2017), 291-302 - “Welfare provision during the new Republic and the interwar period” in Handbook of Welfare in China, eds. Johanna Hood and Beatriz Carillo Garcia (Edward Elgar, 2017): 29-44. 2016 - “Chinese Agriculture and Rural Development Reexamined: Western and Chinese Perspectives.” Huaiyin Li and Thomas DuBois, Introduction to idem., eds. Agricultural production and Rural transformation, Volume 1 of “Historical Studies of Contemporary China” (Brill, 2016): 1-24 - “Local Religion and Festivals” in eds. Vincent Goossaert, Jan Kiely and John Lagerwey, Modern Chinese Religion, 1850-present (Brill, 2016), 371-400 2015 - “Before the NGO: Chinese charities in historical perspective,” Asian Studies Review (December 2015), 541-552 2014 - “Public health and private charity in Northeast China, 1905-1945,” Frontiers of History in China, (4) 2014, 506-533 - “Chinese folk rituals” in eds. Bryan Turner and Oscar Salemink, Handbook of Asian Religions (Routledge, 2014), 209-218 - “Opiate of the Masses with Chinese Characteristics: recent Chinese scholarship on the meaning and future of religion.” Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois, Introduction to Lü Daji and Gong Xuezeng, eds. Religious Studies and Marxist Approaches to Religions in China, trans. Chi Zhen, Volume 4 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill 2014), 1-20 - Prepublication version as Asia Research Institute Working Paper 213 2011 - “The salvation of religion? Public charity and the new religions of the early Republic,” Minsu quyi, 172, June 2011, 73-126 - Revised for publication in Charities in the Non-Western World: The Development and Regulation of Indigenous and Islamic Charities, eds. Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown and Justin Pierce, (Routledge, 2013), 115-146 - Introduction to Ma Xisha and Meng Huiying, ed. Folk Religions and Shamanism. Volume 1 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series. Part 1 tr. Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois (Brill, 2011), 1-18 2010 - 杜博思: 从局外人到局内人:一个历史学家眼中的乡村调查 [From outsider to insider: a historian’s view of rural fieldwork], 《中国社会科学报》2010年 - “Inauthentic sovereignty: Law and legal institutions in Manchukuo,” Journal of Asian Studies, 69, 3 August 2010, 749-770 - “Religion and the Chinese State: Three Crises and a Solution,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 (3), 2010, 344-358 2009 - 杜博思:神靈、教派、香頭——地方文化中的宗教知識 [Spirits, sects and xiangtou – religious knowledge in local culture],《民俗研究》4期,2009年 - “The transformation of religion in East and Southeast Asia – paradigmatic change in regional perspective” (Book introduction) in ed. DuBois, Casting Faiths, 1-19 - “Japanese media and Manchurian Cultural Community: Religion in the Shengjing Times, 1907-1944” in ed. DuBois, Casting Faiths, 217-238 2008 - “Manchukuo’s filial sons: States, sects and the transformation of graveside piety,” East Asian History, Vol. 35, December 2008 - Revised for Chinese publication as 杜博思:滿洲國’的孝子:國家,宗教,以及守墓行為的適應性演變《民俗研究》3期, 2010年 2006 - “Rule of Law in a Brave New Empire: Legal Rhetoric and Practice in Manchukuo,” Law and History Review, Vol. 26: 2, 2008, 285-317 - “Local religion and the cultural imaginary: the development of Japanese ethnography in occupied Manchuria,” American Historical Review, Vol. 111: 1, February 2006, 52-74 - Revised for Chinese publication as 杜博思:思想之帝国:满洲民俗学与亚洲社会科学的长期变迁《民俗研究》2012年 2005 - “Imperialism, Hegemony and the Construction of Religion in East and Southeast Asia” History & Theory, Vol. 44 (4), Theorizing Empire theme issue, December 2005, 113-131 - Reprinted in Ashgate International Library of Essays on Rights, ed. Lorenzo Zucca (Ashgate, 2015) 2004 - “Village Community and the Reconstruction of Religious Life in Rural North China” in ed. John Lagerwey, Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field (Paris: Ecole Français d’Extrême-Orient and Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2004), 837-868 Shorter essays (general audience, excluding reposts under different titles) “What’s behind China’s Rapprochement with the Vatican? “ East Asia Forum, February 23, 2017. “China's Religion Law: 2005 vs. 2016,” Comparison and translation of religion law against proposed revisions. Posted September 18, 2016. - This document has been cited and reposted in numerous online and print sources, and is the most frequently downloaded from my own webpage “China’s Religion Law and the Perils of Counting Consciousness” Chinoiresie, 26 September, 2016. “How will China regulate religion?” East Asia Forum, 21 September 2016. “Asia and the Old World Order” History Today, 63 (3), 2013. - Subsequently translated into Arabic, Russian and Vietnamese - Interview with History Today “Opiate of the Masses with Chinese Characteristics” SSRC Immanent Frame Blog Huffington Post articles on religion and society (2010-2011) Book reviews and shorter articles 2020 - Review essay: Jin Feng, Tasting paradise on earth: Jiangnan foodways (Washington, 2019) and Guo Huiling 郭慧玲, Meiwei you quanli: yige Huabei cunzhuang 70 nian yinshi shenghuo bianqian 美味与权力:一个华北村庄70年饮食生活变迁 [Taste and Power: 70 years of culinary transition in a north Chinese village (Zhongguo jingji, 2020). Asian Ethnology (2,000 words) - Lu Shuying 盧淑櫻. Muru yu niunai: Jindai Zhongguo muqin juese chongsu 1895-1937 母乳與牛奶: 近代中國母親角色的重塑 1895-1937 [Mother’s milk and cow milk: Reinvention of the role of the Chinese mother 1895-1937]. (Zhonghua shuju, Hong Kong, 2018). Nan Nu: Men, Women and Gender in China (2,000 words) 2019 - Fion So Wai Ling. Germany's Colony in China: Colonialism, Protection and Economic Development in Qingdao and Shandong, 1898-1914 (Routledge, 2019) Business History - Jia-Chen Fu. The Other Milk: Reinventing Soy in Republican China (Washington, 2018) Global Food History - With Jan Kiely, Introduction to Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide. (Routledge, 2019) 2018 - Guest Editor’s introduction: “Animals without Borders” guest edited issue of Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies, Summer 2018: 1-4. 2017 - David Ownby, Vincent Goossaert, Ji Zhe, eds. Making Saints in Modern China (Oxford, 2017) American Academy of Religion, Reading Religion blog <> 2016 - Emily Anderson, Christianity and Imperialism in Modern Japan: Empire for God. (Bloomsbury Academic, 2014) American Historical Review - Review essay: Ji Li, God's little daughters: Catholic women in nineteenth-century Manchuria. (Washington, 2015) and Anthony Clark. Heaven in Conflict: Franciscans and the Boxer Uprising in Shanxi (Washington, 2014) Nan Nu: Men, Women and Gender in China (2,500 words) 2015 - Review essay: Ming Wan. The China Model and Global Political Economy: Comparison, Impact, and Interaction (Routledge 2014), and Lin Chun. China and Global Capitalism: Reflections on Marxism, History, and Contemporary Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) China Journal, (2,500 words) - Peter van der Veer. The Modern Spirit of Asia. The Secular and the Spiritual in India and China (Princeton, 2013) Asian Ethnology (2,000 words) - William C. Summers. The Great Manchurian Plague of 1910-1911: The Geopolitics of an Epidemic Disease (Yale 2012) Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 2014 - Henrietta Harrison. The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village (California, 2013) Twentieth-Century China (2,500 word featured review) 2013 - Cho-yun Hsu. “China: A New Cultural History”, translated by Timothy D. Baker, Jr., and Michael S. Duke (Columbia, 2012) China Journal - Don Chull Shin. Confucianism and Democratization in East Asia. (Cambridge, 2011) Journal of Church and State 2012 - Shao Dan. Remote Homeland, Recovered Borderland: Manchus, Manchoukuo, and Manchuria, 1907-1985. (Hawai'i, 2011) Pacific Affairs 2011 - Daniel L. Overmyer. Local Religion in North China in the Twentieth Century (Leiden, Brill, 2009) Monumenta Serica - Poon, Shuk-wah. Negotiating Religion in Modern China: State and Common People in Guangzhou, 1900–1937 (Chinese University Press, 2011) Frontiers of History in China, 6, 4 - Stephen Jones. In Search of the Folk Daoists in North China (Ashgate, 2010) China Quarterly, 206 - Tim Oakes and Donald S. Sutton, eds. Faiths on Display: Religion, Tourism, and the Chinese State (Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010) Asian Studies Review - Rebecca Nedostup. Superstitious Regimes: Religion and the Politics of Chinese Modernity (Harvard University Asia Center, 2009), Social History, 36, 3 - Bernard Formoso. De Jiao: A Religious Movement in Contemporary China and Overseas: Purple Qi from the East (NUS Press, 2010) Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 42, 3 2010 - Philip Clart and Paul Crowe, eds. The People and the Dao: New Studies in Chinese Religions in Honour of Daniel L. Overmyer (Institut Monumenta Serica, 2009) Journal of Chinese Religions - Jacob Eyferth. Eating rice from bamboo roots : the social history of a community of handicraft papermakers in rural Sichuan, 1920-2000 (Harvard University Asia Center, 2007). Journal of Asian Studies, 69, 2 - Urs Matthias Zachman. China and Japan in the Late Meiji Period: China policy and the Japanese discourse on national identity, 1895-1904. (Routledge, 2009). Japanese Studies, 30, 1 2009 - Mariko Asano Tamanoi, Memory Maps: The State and Manchuria in Postwar Japan (Hawaii, 2009), Asian Ethnology, 69, 3 - “Religious Organizations” (1500 words) in David Pong, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Modern China (Gale/Charles Scribner's Sons) - “Religious Healing in the People’s Republic,” in The Harvard Illustrated History of Chinese Medicine and Healing ed. Linda Barnes and T. J. Hinrichs (Harvard University Asia Center) 2008 - Stephen Jones. Ritual and Music of North China, Volume 2: Shaanbei (Ashgate, 2009). China Journal, 60. - Stephen Jones. Ritual and Music of North China: Shawm Bands in Shanxi (Ashgate, 2007). China Journal (1) 2007 - Vincent Goossaert. The Taoists of Peking, 1800-1949: a social history of urban clerics (Harvard University Asia Center, 2007). Asian Studies Review (2) - Xue Yu. Buddhism, War, and Nationalism: Chinese Monks in the Struggle against Japanese Aggressions, 1931-1945 (Routledge, 2005). Asian Studies Review, Vol. 31, 3 - Jean DeBenardi, The Way that Lives in the Heart: Chinese Popular Religion and Spirit Mediums in Penang, Malaysia (Stanford, 2006). Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (1) 2006 - Xiaofei Kang, The Cult of the Fox: Power, Gender, and Popular Religion in Late Imperial and Modern China. (Columbia, 2006). China Quarterly, vol. 86, 2 - Adam Yuet Chau, Miraculous Response. Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China. (Stanford, 2006). T’oung Pao, Vol. 92 (1), May: 281-288 - Anthony C. Yu. State and Religion in China: Historical and Textual Perspectives. (Open Court Press, 2005). China Review International, Vol. 13 (1), June. 2005 - Elise Anne DeVido and Benoît Vermander, eds. Creeds, Rites and Videotapes: Narrating Religious Experience in East Asia (Ricci Institute, 2004). Journal of Chinese Religions, vol. 33 2004 - Maria Hsia Chang. Falun Gong: The End of Days (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004). China Information, Vol. 18, 3, December - Hiroshi Sato. The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China: A Micro-Analysis of Peasants, Migrants and Peasant Entrepreneurs (London: Routledge Curzon, 2003). China Information, Vol. 18, 2, July 2003 - “Sectarianism,” “Local Religion,” and “Martial Arts Movies” (500 words each) in Edward Davis, ed., Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture (Routledge) - “Millenarianism and Millenarian movements” (3,000 words) in Robert Buswell, et. al., eds., Encyclopedia of Buddhism (Macmillan) RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (* denotes Chinese language presentation) * Invited paper, title TBA - “Discussion group on Chinese religious and cultural indigenization” (中国本土宗教与文化讲习班) Henan University, Kaifeng, October 25-31, 2020 “Confucianism in Trans-War and Cold War Asia” - Cambridge History of Confucianism publication workshop, Notre Dame University, May 30, 2020 (event delayed due to COVID19) “Cattle markets and beef chains in southwest China since the 1950s” (中国西南50年代以来的牛市及牛肉生产系统) - * Workshop on the history of Yunnan and Southeast Asia, Dali University, May 1, 2020 (event delayed due to COVID19) “Fieldwork for China historians” - Roundtable organizer and participant. AAS Boston, March 2020 (event cancelled due to COVID19, online event in planning) “Lexical indigenization and ‘discourse community:’ the example of ‘religion’” (本土话与“话语社区”:以“宗教”为例) - * Conference on lexical indigenization (本土话语), Beijing Normal University, December 28-29, 2019 “Understanding China’s food FDI: A view from the dairy sector” - NYUSH-HKUST Global China Studies conference, “China in Global Conversation,” NYU-Shanghai 2020 (event delayed due to COVID19) - University of Michigan, Lieberman Center for Chinese Studies, September 25, 2019 “Famous Hundred-Year-Old Brand”—State Sponsored Nostalgia in China's Food Retail Market” - Politics of Nostalgia: Populism, Branding and Nation-State, Kanazawa International Symposium, October 12, 2019 “A market approach to food commercialization and cultural identity” (饮食商品化对文化认同的影响—供求模式视角) - * Keynote address 4th Annual Forum on Ethnic Psychology and Regional Cultures (2019年年会暨第四届民族心理与民族地区社会发展学术论坛), Hailar, June 14, 2017 “Milk from the Butterfly Spring: Dairy enterprise and regional development in socialist China, 1959-2009” (牛奶蝶泉来:中国地方乳品企业发展,1959-2009) - * 17th Open Times annual forum (第十七届开放时代论坛), Renmin University, Beijing, November 3, 2019 - Shanghai University, May 2, 2019 - Business History Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, March 2019 - East Asia Institute, Singapore, December 7, 2018 “Legal Legacies of Religious Freedom in Asia” - Law and Politics of Freedom of Religion in Asia, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, December 12, 2018 “Walking a production chain: An interdisciplinary approach to method and meaning” - * Beijing Normal University, November 1, 2018 “Trends in China’s Dairy Development” - Fudan Development Institute (FDDI), Shanghai, October 25, 2018 “Be a civilized citizen!” Corporate Social Responsibility and the new Chinese secular” - Secularities: Patterns of Distinction, Paths of Differentiation, Leipzig, October 5, 2018 “Necessary rivals: Nestlé, Borden and the Asian milk trade, 1870-1929” - Commodity Trading Companies in the First Global Economy, 1870-1914, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, March 15, 2018 “Many Roads from Pasture to Plate: China’s Beef Industry, 1732-1931” - Practice of Social Science and China research (实践社会科学与中国研究) Renmin University, November 2, 2018 - University of Oxford China Centre, January 26, 2018 “China’s dairy century - making, drinking and dreaming of milk” - NYU Shanghai, February 5, 2018 - Duke-Kunshan University, Shanghai, November 27, 2017 - Harvard University, Environment and Asia lecture series, October 26, 2017 - Boston University, October 30, 2017 - University of Rochester, October 4, 2017 - Cornell University, Contemporary China Initiative, September 18, 2017 “May God Bless Manchukuo: Manchuria and the Crisis of Vatican Diplomacy” - SOAS, University of London, January 31, 2018 - George Washington University, October 19, 2017 - University of Rochester, October 3, 2017 - Hong Kong University, School of Humanities Seminar, April 21, 2016 - Panel “Religion and Institutional Transformation in 20th century China” Association for Asian Studies in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2015 (Panel Chair and Organizer) “Ethnic identity and China’s dairy consumption, moving towards a research framework” (民族认同与中国乳品饮食,走向一个研究框架) - * Third conference on minzu psychology and regional development (民族心理与民族地区社会发展学术论坛), Xining, June 23, 2017 “Historical transformation of the idea of ethnic nature in Japanese thought and occupation policy” (民族性格在日本思想及沦陷政策的历史演变) - * 2017 minzu psychology conference (2017年民族心理学高峰论坛), Hailar, June 6, 2017 “The Rise and Fall of the Great Hulunbuir Cattle Drive” - Association for Asian Studies, Toronto, March 30, 2017 “Tastes and practices in China’s Milk Industry since 1945” - Animals and Human Society in Asia Conference, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 2, 2017 “Trends in China’s Religion Policy: Interpreting the 2016 Religious Affairs Law” - Miami University of Ohio, March 10, 2017 - Notre Dame University, February 24, 2017 - University of Chicago, East Asia Workshop, February 22, 2017 - Northwestern University, Buffett Institute for Global Studies, February 9, 2017 “Harbin and the Mongolian Meat Industry, 1903-1931” - Cross Border Ethno-histories in East and West Asia Workshop, Tel Hai Academic College, Israel, March 5, 2017 - Commodity Trading Companies in the First Global Economy, 1870-1914, Erasmus University Rotterdam, February 3, 2017 “Pastoral reform 牧區改革 in Inner Mongolia, 1945-1985” - International Conference on Historical Anthropology and the History of China in the Twentieth Century, Hong Kong, December 19, 2016 “Law and Religion in Twentieth Century East Asia” - Politics of Religious Freedom in the Asia-Pacific symposium, University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney, September 14, 2016 “From Banners to Brand Awareness: Transformation of stockbreeding in Hulunbuir, 1750-2020” - ANU China Seminar Series, September 11, 2016 - Panel “Production and society in Hulunbuir” Association for Asian Studies in Asia, Kyoto, June 2016 (Panel Chair and Organizer) - * Hulunbuir University, June 4, 2016 - History and Anthropology Project Seminar, Chinese University of Hong Kong, February, 2016 “Law, Chinese Sovereignty, and the Vatican Response to Manchukuo” - Panel “The Cartographer's Toolbox: Ideology, State Formation, and Legitimacy in Chinese Law,” Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, March 2016 “Thoughts on Religion and Functional Differentiation in East Asia” (东亚的宗教理论与机能分化的几个感想) - * Aichi University China Studies Symposium, Nagoya Japan, January 24, 2014 “From the Blood of the Martyrs: Origins and Meaning of the Manchurian Revival” - Secret societies and popular movements in Chinese and Southeast Asian History workshop, University of Macau, December 2014 - Department of History, National University of Singapore, September 2014 “Empires of the Soil: The Globalization of East Asian Agriculture” (with Luman Wang) - Second Empire in Asia Workshop: Modern Empires in Asia in the ‘Long 19th Century,’ Singapore, September 2014 “Opiate of the Masses with Chinese Characteristics: Recent Chinese Scholarship on Socialism and the Future of Religion” - “The Reception and Impact of ‘Theology, ‘Religion,’ and ‘Philosophy’ in East Asia” Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion, Public Theology Program, UC Berkeley, March 2016 - Asia Research Institute, Singapore, November 26, 2013 - ANU China Seminar Series, October 10, 2013. “International competition and public health strategies in Manchuria, 1895-1945” - Empire and Global Health Governance in Asia: A Dialogue between History and Policy workshop, ANU, February 28, 2013 “Asian crisis and the global order across the twentieth century” - Research School of Asia and the Pacific Annual symposium, ANU, November 29, 2012 - University of Technology Sydney, China Research Center, September 19, 2012 - New Histories of Internationalism workshop, University of Sydney, September 4, 2012 “Local Religion and Festivals” - “Modern Chinese Religion, 1850-present” Publication workshop. Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 12-15, 2012 “Public health and private charity in Manchuria: 1900-1945” (中国东北1900-1945年的公共医疗与私人慈善) - * China Studies Association of Japan, Nagoya, January 24, 2015 - Department of Modern Languages, Hong Kong University, June 4, 2014 - State and Philanthropy workshop, Hong Kong, December 5-7, 2012 - New Directions in Chinese Medicine workshop, Indiana University, Indianapolis, June 6-7, 2012. - ANU College of Asia and Pacific seminar, May 22, 2012 - Workshop on Medical Charities in the Middle East and Asia, Penang, Malaysia, November 30-December 3, 2010 “Private charities and public good–institutional memory of plague prevention in Manchuria” - Charities and Legitimacy of Organisation, Law, Accountability, and Transparency workshop, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, December 11-13, 2011 “Manchuria and the development of Social Science in Asia” (思想之帝国:满洲民俗学与亚洲社会科学的长期变迁) - “Academic Legacies of the Study of Chinese Religions” panel. American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, November 21, 2015. Panel sponsored by the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions - * Second Asian Anthropology Forum, Minzu University, Beijing, November 9-10, 2012 - Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, October 12, 2011 - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of History, April 28, 2010 - (Chinese presentation) at International Conference on Modern Social Transformation and the Study of Folklore in China, Second International Conference on Secret Societies. Shandong University, Ji’nan, PRC, November 13-15, 2010 - “Empire and Beyond: Manchuria in the Modern World,” Harvard University, May 6-7, 2011 “Politics and Charity: Daoyuan-Red Swastika Society During the 1920s-1930s.” (慈善团体与宗教活动:道院紅卍字會二三十年代的演变) - Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, September 17, 2010 - * “International Conference on Folk Confucianism and redemptive societies,” Foguang University, Taiwan, June 9-10, 2009 - * Second International Conference on Secret Societies. Shandong University, Ji’nan, PRC, August 16-19, 2009 “Religion and the Chinese State: Three Crises and a Solution” - The Flinders University of South Australia, Department of Asian Studies and Languages, 37th Annual Asia Lecture, Adelaide, April 9, 2009 - “Religion and the State in Southeast Asia: Past and Present,” National University of Singapore, May 19-20, 2009. “Indigenous or imperialist? The Shrine Controversy in Manchuria” - FASS Humanities Seminar, Singapore, October 8, 2008 “Manchukuo’s filial sons: States, sects and the transformation of graveside piety.” - Religious Innovation in East Asia workshop, The Australian National University, Canberra, November 28-30, 2007 - Research Seminar Series, Department of History, Hong Kong University, October 4, 2007 “Law and religion in Manchukuo – statute, ordinance and court.” - Religion and Social Integration: Exploring Sociological Approaches to the Study of Religion in Chinese Societies workshop, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 28-30, 2007 “Rule of Law in a Puppet Kingdom: Juridical Theory and Practice in Manchukuo,” - International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) conference, Manila, November, 2006 - Crime, Law and Order in the Japanese Empire, 1895-1945 workshop, Amsterdam, August, 2006 “Authority of scholarly expertise – Japanese ethnography of Chinese religion,” - Border-crossing panel “Religion in Asia – transformation in regional perspective,” Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, March, 2006 (Panel Chair and Organizer) “Japanese print media and Manchurian cultural community: religion in the pages of the Shengjing Times, 1907-1944” - Casting Faiths workshop, Singapore, June 2005 - International Association for the History of Religion (IAHR), Tokyo, March, 2005 “Local religion and the cultural imaginary: Japanese scholarship of occupied Manchuria,” - Duke University, January 2006 - As China Meets the World Conference of the Society for the Historical Society for Twentieth Century China (HSTCC), Vienna, Austria, May, 2004 - History Department seminar, NUS, September, 2004 - International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2004 “Area Studies, history and religion: Discipline and the problems of the social science paradigm,” - International Conference of Asian Scholars (ICAS), Singapore, August, 2003 “Sectarian Networks in Local Society: the Heaven and Earth and Most Supreme Teachings in Cangzhou, Hebei” - Association for Asian Studies, Washington D.C., March, 2002. Panel sponsored by the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions - The University of Kansas, February, 2002 - East Asian Studies Institute, University of Tokyo, July, 2002 - Case Western Reserve, Issues in Contemporary China series, October, 2003 - National University of Singapore, October, 2002 “Sectarian Organization in Town and Country: The Li Sect in Tianjin and Cangxian,” - Tokyo Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Tokyo, June, 2001 (Panel Chair and Organizer) “Fox Spirits and Xiangtou, Local Healers in the Village Society of Cangxian,” - Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, March, 2001. Panel sponsored by the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions “The Role of the Peasant Village in the Religious Organization of Rural Hebei,” - Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field and Its Implications for the Study of Chinese Culture workshop, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000 - Washington University in St. Louis, November, 2003 “Collaboration During the Age of the Apocalypse: The Rise and Fall of Yiguandao in Tianjin and Cangzhou, 1930-1952,” - The University of Texas, Austin, January 2006 - The University of Georgia, January, 2002 - The UCLA Center for the Study of Religion Fall Colloquium, 1998 - The American Academy of Religion, Boston, November, 1999 “Religious Practice and Peasant Society in Shajing Village, Hebei,” - California Graduate Student Conference on Chinese History, UC Davis, May, 1997 - The University of Heidelberg, June, 1997 PUBLIC TALKS (* denotes Chinese language presentation) - “Coronavirus cookbook: How global pandemic is changing Chinese diets” Lecture for University of Groningen summer school "China and the Global Pandemic of Coronavirus." August 20-26, 2020 - “Food in China: A Historian Asks What’s Next?” Online lecture delivered to University of Asia and Pacific in Manila. May 20, 2020. Available at: - “Food studies in China: Promise and problems of a new discipline” (two parts) Beijing Foreign Studies University (北京外语学院), New concepts in Sociology series, March 2020 (event delayed due to COVID19) - * “Cheese making in Chinese history” Lecture and demonstration at Shared Harvest Organic Farm, Beijing, August 2019 - “Cheese in China? Notes from the Field of Food History” Public history lecture, U Mass, Boston, October 2017 - * “Theory and Method in Historical Fieldwork” 历史调查方法论, talks for students and faculty of Hulunbuir Educational University, February 2016 - “Divisive doctrine: International religious freedom as a US foreign policy initiative” Invited debate with Suzan Johnson Cook, former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. Global Conflicts of Identity. 53rd Annual International Affairs Symposium, Lewis & Clark College, Portland Oregon, April 7, 2015. - “The Japanese Empire and Global Christianity, 1895-1945,” Panel discussant. Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, March 2015 - “Text and Context: Redemptive Societies and Religious Movements in Modern and Contemporary China,” Invited conference discussant, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, November 2014 - Empire in Asia Graduate Student Conference, Invited conference discussant. National University of Singapore, November 2014 - Chinese Religion and political ethics. Public talks for Australian government training. Crawford School, ANU, June 2013 - “Resolving Conflicts: Politics of Accommodation in China.” Panel discussant. International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Daejeon, Korea, August 6-9, 2009. (Paper read in absentia) - École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC): 2006- 2011, Lectures on Chinese society for students at Singapore campus - Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore: 2004-2011, 2014, two or three lectures per year for 150-250 museum docents. - “Chinese Religion and the Imperial System” (3 hours) - “Zen and Japanese Aesthetics” (90 minutes) - “Chinese temples and festivals in Singapore” (90 minutes) - “Asking Questions When You Don't Want Answers - Pedagogical Perspectives From The Field Of History,”: International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (THLE), Singapore, December, 2004 - Missouri Community College Association: Title VI Grant consultant, Keynote speaker at initial conference, Jefferson City, August 2002. Consultant for faculty projects related to Asia PRESS INTERVIEWS Interviewed by/quoted in: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Berlingske (Denmark), Buzzfeed, Caixin, Canadian Broadcasting Service, Channel News Asia (Singapore), Chinasource, Christianity Today, The Economist, New York Times, South China Morning Post, Sydney Morning Herald, Time (Asia edition), Today (Singapore), and Washington Post, as well as numerous local television and newspaper outlets in China. TEACHING Beijing Normal University - 跨学科食物学研究 Interdisciplinary food studies research Graduate seminar covering major topics in the production, retail and culture of food. Emphasis on developing field research techniques and adapting Western theoretical scholarship to Chinese conditions. Course taught online in Chinese - - 西方汉学界的中国观 Western Sinological views of China. 16-part lecture series outlining eight major themes in a century of scholarly writings on China. Course taught online in Chinese Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacific - Asia 1025, Individual and Society in Asia and the Pacific - Asia 1026, Modern transformation of Asia and the Pacific - Asia 2037, Histories of Modern China - Asia 2307, Empire in Asia, Fall 2015 (with National University of Singapore) National University of Singapore, Department of History - History 1101, Asia and the Modern World - History 2207, Struggle for Modern China - History 2245, Empires, Colonies and Imperialism - History 2246, Introduction to World History - History 2245, The Craft of History - History 3241, Religion in the History of China and Japan - History 6207, Directed Studies in Chinese History - History 6402, Research Practicum - History 6882, Seminar: Historiography on China - Religious studies/GEM 1045, Introduction to World Religions Washington University, Program in Religious Studies - Religious St. 4711, Seminar: Topics in Chinese Popular Religion - Religious St. 245, Introduction to Buddhism - Religious St. 296, Introduction to East Asian Religions University of California, Los Angeles, Department of History - History 99, Martial Arts in the History of China and Japan, Spring, 2001 (Instructor) - History 99, Popular Religion in Modern Chinese History, Winter, 2001 (Instructor) - History 187, 20th Century China, Spring, 1996, Spring, 2000 (Teaching Assistant). - History 11a, History of China, antiquity-1050, Fall, 1999 (Teaching Assistant) - History 11b, History of China, 1050-1950, Winter, 2000 (Teaching Assistant) - History 8a, History of Japan, Winter, 1996 (Teaching Assistant) GRADUATE STUDENTS Australian National University - Lina Koleilat, PhD primary advisor, “The Intersection of Religion and Politics in Contemporary South Korea” - Chen Yu-hua, PhD primary advisor, “Beyond the Great Wall: China’s Buffer Thinking” - Le Hoang Anh Thu, PhD committee, “Urban women and Buddhist charitable and religious activities in Ho Chi Minh City” - Tian Mo, PhD committee, “Propaganda and ideology construction of Manchukuo, through the Case of Manchuria Concordia Society” National University of Singapore - Chi Zhen PhD 2007, primary advisor “The Self-Government of Wanxi in Southwest Henan, 1930-1940” - Jermaine Chua, MA supervisor, Chinese policy responses to Koguryo controversy - E Mei MA 2009, primary advisor “Commerce and Culture in the Manchurian Film (Man’ei) Film Industry” - Fang Xiaoping PhD committee, “Barefoot Doctors and Cooperative Medical Services” - Guo Jing yu MA 2009, primary advisor “Privacy in Cultural Revolution Shanghai” - Celisa Lim, MA supervisor, Indigenization of Korean Christianity in 1950s - Hu Wen PhD primary advisor. “The Silk Industry in Leshan, Sichuan” - Naoko Iioko PhD committee “Chinese Commercial Networks & Maritime Organizations In Early Modern East & Southeast Asia” - Qian Bo MA 2007, primary advisor “Reevaluation of the Secret Societies in the Revolution of 1911: A Case Study in Guangdong” - Tay Wei Leong MA co-supervisor with Prof. Prasenjit Duara - Wang Luman MA 2007, primary advisor, Commercial elites and reform of piaohao banking in late Qing Shanxi - Xiang Hongyan MA 2009, primary advisor “Franciscan Missionaries in the Enshi Minority Area, 1890-1930” AWARDS - 2019 Beijing Normal University, 200,000 CNY startup research fund - 2019 Beijing Universities Cultural heritage and Preservation Project (文化遗产与文化传播) - Member - 2018 Fudan Development Institute - Visiting fellowship (stipended, 50,000 CNY) - 2016 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Historical Anthropology project - Visiting book collaboration, May, 2017 - Visiting fellowship (stipended, 250,000 HKD) - 2015-2018 Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, A$154,978 for “Soybeans and socialism: agrarian transformation in Manchuria, 1935-1965” - 2013 Aichi University International Chinese Studies Center 国际中国学院センター, fellow - 2015 invited residence as visiting fellow (declined due to ANU commitments) - 2013 ANU Research School of Asia and Pacific, with Tomoko Akami, A$ 60,000 for annual flagship conference on “Sovereignties in Asia and the Pacific.” Nov. 2014 - 2012 ANU Research School of Asia and Pacific, with Tomoko Akami, A$ 20,000 for Feb. 2013 workshop on “Empire and Global Governance: Public Health in Asia and the Pacific.” - 2011 Singapore Ministry of Education, Tier 2 research grant for multiyear project on empire and imperialism in Asia. Total award S$438,296. (Project team member) - 2011 Association for Asian Studies, with Jing Li, small grant to assist in translation of Chinese scholarly articles for special issue of Asian Ethnology - 2010 FASS startup initiative, S$4,000 for reading group on imperialism in Asia (preparation for MOE grant application) - 2010 Faculty Research Support Scheme Grant, National University of Singapore. S$23,288 grant to complete monograph on religion in Manchuria. (Returned balance upon leaving NUS) - 2006-2007 Historical Society for Twentieth Century China, named to governing board - 2006 Faculty Research Support Scheme Grant, National University of Singapore. S$12,466 for archival research on topic of law and religion in Manchukuo - 2005, Combined research grant of S$30,000 to support “Chinese Nation-Chinese State” conference in June, 2006 - 2004, Combined research grant of S$30,000 to support “Casting Faiths” conference in June, 2005 - 2004, Faculty Teaching Award, National University of Singapore - 2004, Faculty Research Support Scheme Grant, National University of Singapore. S$4,000 for archival research in Shenyang and Tokyo - 2001, Distinguished Teaching Award, UCLA. One of five given university-wide - 1997-1998, American Council of Learned Societies/Committee on Scholarly Communication with China (ACLS/CSCC), Doctoral Research Fellowship, $17,000 EVENTS PLANNED - History and Anthropology AOE field study in Hulunbuir, with Aurore Dumont, June 2-8, 2016 - “Landscapes of Sovereignty in Asia and the Pacific” with Tomoko Akami, ANU Canberra. Flagship conference of the Research School of Asia and the Pacific, October 21-22, 2014. RSAP funding of A$60,000 - “Empire and Global Governance: Public Health in Asia and the Pacific” with Tomoko Akami, ANU Canberra, February 27-28, 2013. Combined ANU funding of A$20,000 - “Chinese Nation-Chinese State” Biannual Conference of the Historical Society for Twentieth Century China, Singapore, June 2006. Roughly eighty presenters. Awarded combined grants of S$30,000 primarily to subsidize travel expenses of Chinese scholars. - “Casting Faiths: The Construction of Religion in East and Southeast Asia” with Maitrii Aung-Thwin, Singapore, June 2005. Twenty invited papers over three days of academic discussion. Supported by S$30,000 grant from Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Asia Research Institute of National University of Singapore SERVICE AND CONSULTING Journal editing - Asian Ethnology: member of editorial board, 2012-2017, 2019- - Asian Studies Review: China editor, 2012-2013 - Review of Culture/Revista de Cultura (University of Macau): member of editorial board, 2018- - 《中国乡土研究》 (Rural China Research): member of editorial board, 2012- - Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies/Khaldunia Centre for Historical Research: member of editorial and advisory board, 2014- Book and series editing - 2013-2017, Series editor of “Historical Studies of Contemporary China” multivolume translation of Chinese historical scholarship from the journal Contemporary History (Dangdai Zhongguo yanjiu). Cooperation between Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Brill - Volume 2: Agricultural production and Rural transformation, Huaiyin Li and Thomas DuBois, eds. (Brill, 2016) - English translation of Ma Xisha and Meng Huiying, ed. Folk Religions and Shamanism. Tr. Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois. Volume 1 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series, (Brill, 2011) - English translation of Marxist Approaches to Religions and Theoretical Studies of Religions in China. Tr. Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois. “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series, (Brill, 2014). External review - Grant and institutional review: Canada Research Council (Tier 1 Canada Research Chair), Australian National University, Israel Science Foundation - External tenure review for Asian and US universities Article and manuscript review American Historical Review American Journal of Chinese Studies Asian Ethnology Asian Studies Review Brill Cambridge University Press China Information China Journal Cultural Politics East Asian History Frontiers of History in China Harvard University Press Japanese Studies Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Asian and African Studies Journal of Chinese Religions Journal of Global History Journal of Religious History Modern Asian Studies Modern China Peter Lang Politics and Religion Review of Religion and Chinese Society T’oung Pao Twentieth-Century China Routledge University of Hawai’i Press 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 (Academia Sinica, Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History) 中国乡土研究 (Rural China Research) University Service ANU College of Asia and the Pacific - Deputy Director (HDR), School of Culture, History and Language, 2015-2016 - College Board, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, 2013-2015 - Master of Asian Pacific Studies (MAPS), program convener 2013-2015 - Education and curriculum reform committees, School of Culture, History and Language, 2013- - Graduate research training convener, School of Culture, History and Language, 2012- National University of Singapore - Graduate Education Committee, NUS, Department of History - Graduate Studies Coordinator, 2007-2010 - Committee Member, 2003-2006, 2010-2012 - Search Committees - History of Modern Japan, NUS Dept. of History, 2010 (head) - History of China, NUS Dept. of History, 2005 - Postdoctoral fellow in Asian religion, NUS Asia Research Institute, 2004 - Research Ethics Review Committee, NUS, Department of History, Committee Member, 2007-2011 - Religious Studies Minor, NUS, Organizing and steering committee, 2003-2005 - Study Group on Religion and Globalization, NUS Asia Research Institute, Organizing Committee, 2003-2005 Other Service - Canadian Department of Immigration, Consultant on questions of religious organization and persecution in China, 1999-2003 - Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA, Graduate Representative on Governing Board, 2000-2001 LANGUAGES - Chinese: Highly expert reading and speaking - Japanese: Good reading and speaking - Russian: Intermediate reading, basic speaking Thomas David DuBois CV, updated May, 2020 1 “The Driving Forces Behind China’s Agri-Food FDI” Asia Global Online, August 15, 2019.
“China’s Dairy Industry Going Big” Asia Global Online, March 8, 2018.